My training course was also with Namibia, Nepal and Honduras, it was lovely to get to know everyone and hearing about all the different types of projects and cultures we will be partaking on. This is everyone at the end of training at the ferry port once we arrived back in Oban before saying our goodbyes.
I will be working in a state run orphanage in Trujillo which is on the coast of Peru, an 8 hour drive up from the capital, Lima. At the present moment there are around 50 children living there, ranging from new born to 18 years of age, however there is a capacity for 80 children so this figure can fluctuate. For anyone interested the address that I will be living at is:
Aldea Infantil Victor Raül ,
KM 24 A la Sierra Liberteña,
La Libertad,
I will be living in a small house, made up of four bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, two bathrooms, and even a shower with warm running water! I will be sharing this with my partner, Amber, who I had the pleasure of getting to know on my training course.
I also got to meet the other eight Peru girls and my desk officer, Felicity.
Let's just say I cannot wait to go travelling with this group, it'll be quite the experience to say the least.
Training was an amazing experience preparing us for the main part of our year's volunteering, going from workshops to a lovely meal and ceilidh on the last night. I now prepared and stupidly excited to go away with people who I assume will become a major part of my life.
All £5,600 has now been fundraised so I am completely finished everything; besides the packing which should be a challenge. I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has supported me, either helping out at an event, coming along to a coffee morning, donating old clothes for me to weigh in, or offering me any amount of money, especially all the charitable organisations who have been insanely generous- this wouldn't be possible without all your help! Also a thank you to my family who have supported me in all of the above, especially my mum who has basically been a little personal assistant for me when I have been too busy with college, your support has been wonderful.
So yes, we will be jetting off on the 18th of August, flying via Brazil, then to Lima. I will up date this as often as possible however no promises can be made as to how much free time I will have, thanks for your interest in my experience :)
Hi, we will be following you! Stay safe x